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It's Not Yours

For where your treasure is, there will your heart be also.  (Matthew 6:21)

Would you agree if I told you that giving and sharing does not come natural? If you have children you know exactly what I’m talking about. They will fuss over who goes first, and who plays with their toys. Adults struggle as well, especially when it comes to our finances. We demand to keep all that we’ve worked hard for.

 Believe it or not, the choices we make with our finances shows who’s Lord over our life. The Bible says in Psalms 24:1 “the earth is the Lord’s , and the fulness thereof; the world and they that dwell therein.” This means every single thing belongs to God; including that paycheck you work so hard for every week. Which leads me to ask you: 'how well do you trust and obey God in the area of giving?'

The Bible is pretty clear on the subject of giving. Scripture says in Malachi 3:10 to "bring your tithes and offerings to the storehouse and PROVE ME that I will not open the windows of heaven and pour you a blessing more then you can receive." The God of the heavens and the earth is saying, 'I dare you to honor and obey me with your finances.' Yet some of us are still showing that we do not believe the Lord.

The focus is not on the amount of money, but if we trust and are obedience. When we obey God with our finances we show the Lord that we trust Him with every need that we have. We are also acknowledging that He is the source of all that we have and that He is first in our lives.

In Matthew 6:21 Jesus is is addressing our hearts by asking self-reflective question, “Where is your treasure?” He knew, and knows, the many things fighting for our hearts; especially money. So what we do with our money is an indication of where our heart is.

So, my Brothers and Sisters, where is your treasure?

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