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Blah. Blah. Blah. Be Gone.

"Come quickly, LORD, and answer me, for my depression deepens. Don't turn away from me, or I will die." (Psalm 143:7 NLT)

What does blah mean? The dictionary defines BLAH as “something that is boring or without meaningful content.” Blah also carries the meaning of “being depressed or having low spirits.”

I would have never related “being blah” to depression. I always thought of it as just a made up word that people used when mimicking someone who was talking about something they didn’t want to hear. The spirit of depression has its way of masking or hiding in such a way that we will be deep in gloom but dismiss it as “feeling blah.”

Blahs are those times and days when we function at half capacity. Blahs are those days when we just don’t feel like adult-ing but have no legitimate excuse to not handle our business. Blahs are those days when you say “I just can’t” but don’t know why, or “I wish I could start this day over”, or “when will this day end.”

Referring back to the meaning of blah, all of the above expressions are signs of depression.  We don’t identify these signs as depression because we are somewhat functioning or because it has become the norm.

We have to realize that depression is keeping us from operating in and fulfilling our full potential. Every day that God give us we have to receive it with purpose. Our days are intentionally designed and purposed by Him.  The recipe to shaking off the blahs and states of depression is to start the day off with praise and worship, and end the day with thanksgiving.

Reflect on all Christ has done, then give glory to God for every day that He allows us to see brand new mercies. In this we realize that nothing in life is boring or blah. When His Holy Spirit dwells in us, our spirit is made alive and our flesh (which makes us focus on the negative) is crucified. (John 6:63). Let’s focus on the One that gives life, to replace our blah with enthusiasm about every breath we’re blessed with.

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Want to learn more about the promises of God? Here are a few sermons to add to your library.

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Images: Kristopher Roller, Dmitry Ratushny