Contact Us

Use the form on the right to contact us.

You can edit the text in this area, and change where the contact form on the right submits to, by entering edit mode using the modes on the bottom right. 

1399 Austin Drive
Decatur, GA, 30032


7P18 EventBrite.png

7 Places 2020 - Style Guide

To ensure excellence and maintain consistency, please use these resources to share production information with your family, friends, and co-workers.

These graphics are the highest quality and will represent who we are in the best light possible. Adhering to these standards is of the upmost importance.

If you have a special request for a resource not found on this page, please email us at with your feedback.

FOR SOCIAL MEDIA PLATFORMS: Just share The Hand's post, you do not have to create your own.


  1. TAP anywhere on the graphics below, and HOLD your finger down on it.

  2. When prompted, SAVE graphic to your phone's image gallery.

7P20-FB-TW- copy.jpg
7P20 Social IG.jpg
7x7 Social 2.png
  1. TAP anywhere on the graphics below, and HOLD your finger down on it.*

  2. When prompted, SAVE graphic to your phone's image gallery.

*COMING SOON - animated GIFs, not video files. They may take a little longer to save and share.


The Hand of the Lord International proudly presents The 7 Places Jesus Shed His Blood.

This full-cast production journeys through the final hours of Christ's life, revealing the truth behind His completed work of atonement. 7 represents completion; blood represents life. Experience the sacrifice that not only provides eternal salvation, but a life of freedom on earth for all who believe.

For more info go to

Friday, April 10th @ 7:30p

Saturday, April 11th @ 3:00p

Sunday, April 12th @ 10:00a
